



The Most Trusted HAJJ & UMRAH Services Company in the USA
5 Things You Absolutely Need to Do Before Embarking on Umrah

  • Ibaadah Preparation:
    Strengthen Your Intention:
    Before setting off on your Umrah journey, it’s important to purify and strengthen your intention (Niyyah).Remind yourself that this journey is for the sake of Allah, to seek His pleasure and forgiveness.
  • Spend time in prayer, recitation of the Quran, and self-reflection to whole-heartedly prepare for this sacred act of worship.

    This most essential preparation will help you maintain focus and devotion throughout your pilgrimage.

    Seek Forgiveness and Reconciliation:
    Make an effort to seek forgiveness from Allah for past sins and wrongdoings. Additionally, reconcile with friends, family, and acquaintances.

    Clearing any misunderstandings and seeking forgiveness from those you may have wronged can bring peace to your heart and mind, allowing you to focus entirely on your Umrah journey.

    This inner peace will enhance your connection with Allah during Umrah.

    Educational Preparation
    Learn About Umrah Rituals:
    Educate yourself about the rituals of Umrah, including the steps and significance of each ritual. Understanding the proper procedures for Tawaf, Sai, and other rites ensures you perform them correctly and with full awareness of their meaningful importance.

    Consider attending classes, watching instructional videos, or reading authentic books on Umrah. This preparation will help you approach each Umrah ritual with confidence and devotion.

    Understand the Rules of Ihram:
    The state of Ihram is a crucial part of Umrah, and it comes with specific rules and prohibitions.

    Familiarize yourself with what is permissible and what is not while in Ihram to avoid any unintentional mistakes. This includes understanding the dress code, behavior, and actions that are allowed and those that are prohibited.

    Proper knowledge of these rules will help you maintain the sacredness of Ihram throughout your pilgrimage.

    Health and Wellness Preparation
    Medical Check-up:
    Schedule a comprehensive medical check-up before your departure to ensure you are in good health and capable of undertaking the physical demands of Umrah.

    Discuss any pre-existing conditions or medications with your healthcare provider, and ensure you have an adequate supply of necessary medications for the duration of your trip.

    This precaution will help you manage your health effectively while focusing on your sacred journey.

    Vaccinations and Health Precautions:
    Ensure you receive any required vaccinations well in advance of your trip. Common vaccinations for Umrah pilgrims include those for meningitis, flu, and COVID-19.

    Additionally, familiarize yourself with any health advisories or precautions related to the regions you will be visiting.

    Being up-to-date with vaccinations and health guidelines will help protect you and others during your pilgrimage.

    Practical Preparation
    Organize Travel Documents:
    Ensure all your travel documents are in order, including your passport, visa, flight tickets, and hotel reservations. Make copies of important documents and keep them in a secure place.

    It’s also advisable to leave a set of copies with a trusted family member or friend.

    This preparation minimizes the risk of any travel-related issues and provides peace of mind during your journey.

    Pack Appropriately:
    Pack wisely and efficiently for your Umrah journey. Essential items include Ihram clothing, comfortable walking shoes, personal hygiene products, medications, and prayer items like a prayer mat and Quran. Consider the weather and cultural norms when packing clothing.

    A well-organized packing list can help ensure you don’t forget any important items.

    Additionally, leave some space in your luggage for any souvenirs or items you may acquire during your pilgrimage.

    Financial Preparation
    Budget and Funds:
    Plan your budget carefully, accounting for all expenses including travel, accommodation, food, transportation, and any unexpected costs.

    Ensure you have access to sufficient funds during your trip. It’s a good idea to carry a mix of cash and internationally accepted credit or debit cards.

    Be careful about currency exchange rates and withdrawal fees to optimize your spending while traveling.

    Support Family at Home:
    If you have dependents or responsibilities at home, make necessary arrangements for their care and support in your absence.

    Ensure they have access to funds and know how to reach you in case of emergencies.

    Providing clear instructions and support before your departure will give you peace of mind during your Umrah.

    In short, proper preparation is key to ensuring a smooth and meaningfully enriching Umrah journey.

    By focusing on mental, educational, health, practical, and financial preparations, you can embark on your pilgrimage with confidence and peace of mind. Remember, thorough preparation lays the foundation for a fulfilling experience.

    May your journey be filled with blessings, ease, and profound spiritual growth as you seek the pleasure of Allah Almighty.
















Makkah & Madinah Ziyarat:

Umrah, often referred to as the ‘lesser pilgrimage’, is a pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims can undertake at any time of the year, in contrast to Hajj, which has specific dates. Although not mandatory, Umrah holds immense spiritual significance and is an opportunity for Muslims to cleanse their souls, seek forgiveness, and deepen their connection with Allah.

Ziyarat: Visiting Historical Sites:
Pilgrims often engage in Ziyarat – visiting the various historical sites in Madina, including the Quba Mosque, the first mosque in Islam, and Uhud Mountain, the site of the Battle of Uhud. These visits allow pilgrims to reflect on the history of Islam and the life of the Prophet (PBUH).

Beyond the core rites of Umrah, Mecca offers several historical and religious sites, including the Hira Cave, where the first revelation of the Quran was received, and the Mina valley, significant for the ritual of the Stoning of the Devil during Hajj.

Umrahlimo VIP Transport taxi service provides the best Car Service for Umrah in Saudi Arabia with the best and professional licensed drivers and at very low prices.

Incredible Istanbul: How to Spend 3 Perfect Days in Istanbul




Istanbul is one of those iconic, incredible cities which will leave you fascinated on each and every visit. It is the magical melting pot of East and West, full of enchanting cultural experiences everywhere you look. Istanbul will charm you with its Ottoman mosques, energetic bazaars, and beautiful tea house and coffee shops.

You could spend a week in Istanbul and still not get to experience all the city has to offer, but 3 days is just enough time to get a feel for the city.

Facing the Hagia Sofia is the Blue Mosque, also known as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque. The Blue Mosque was built between 1609 – 1616, during the rule of Ahmed I. The Sultan’s goal was to build a mosque that would rival the Hagia Sophia, which at the time was the most respected mosque.

From the outside, the Blue Mosque is exquisite, but the interior of Hagia Sophia is far superior. The Blue Mosque is also currently under construction, which distracts a little from the beauty, but it is still a sight to behold.

In the spirit of just doing something quirky and random in town, we discovered the Museum of Selfies pop up exhibit and had to check it out. It was full of various playful vignettes, from an emoji ball pit to an upside-down room. After that we did a leisurely walk, popped in and out of some cafes and souvenir shops, then went back to the hotel to unwind and get ready for our last dinner in town.

For a glamourous (but pricey) night out, don’t miss Sunset Bar & Grill. Sunset is one of the leading fine dining restaurants in Istanbul with drop dead views of the Bosphorus Bridge and Asian shoreline. Reservations are a must, and it’s worth it for celebrating a special occasion, or just dropping in for drinks and appetizers if you just want to check out the view.

Colorful hot air balloon flying over Cappadocia, Turkey.

Perfect Cappadocia Trip!

Cappadocia has an inland location and high altitude, so the weather varies a lot seasonally. Summers are hot and dry and winters cold and snowy. I went the first week of April and while it was chilly in the mornings and evenings, the afternoons were pretty perfect

If you go in Summer, just be prepared for extreme temperatures and loads of tourists.

Ride a hot air balloon in Cappadocia:

Cappadocia and hot air balloons are kind of synonymous, so it would be a shame to miss out on a balloon ride. And we unfortunately did! Balloon tours are scheduled every day, but depending on the weather and wind conditions the flight may be cancelled. That is decided by the Turkish Civil Aviation and they would make the call the evening before flight. If that happens all the balloon companies would have to cancel their balloon rides.

We only had 2 sunrise opportunities, so the plan was balloon ride one day and photo shoot the next day. But when the balloon ride got cancelled, I had to choose between rescheduling for the next day and canceling the photo shoot, and as a content creator I decided to go for the photos! Which brings me to my next point!

Umrah Journey:A Journey of Spiritual Cleansing: What is Umrah?


Umrah, often referred to as the ‘lesser pilgrimage’, is a pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims can undertake at any time of the year, in contrast to Hajj, which has specific dates. Although not mandatory, Umrah holds immense spiritual significance and is an opportunity for Muslims to cleanse their souls, seek forgiveness, and deepen their connection with Allah.



Rituals and Practices: Performing Umrah involves a series of rituals, starting with the donning of Ihram – a set of white garments symbolizing purity. Pilgrims then proceed to the Holy Kaaba in Mecca to perform the Tawaf, circumambulating seven times, followed by the Sa’i, walking seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwah.



Spiritual Reflection:

Umrah serves as a time for spiritual reflection, supplication, and a rekindling of faith. The tranquil environment, combined with the collective energy of devotion, allows pilgrims to connect deeply with their faith, seek forgiveness, and make heartfelt prayers.



Mecca: The Holiest City Center of the Islamic World: Mecca, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), stands as the holiest city in Islam. Every year, millions of Muslims from around the world gather here to fulfill their spiritual aspirations. The city is home to the Holy Kaaba, the Qibla towards which Muslims around the globe direct their prayers.



Pilgrimage Rites and Historical Sites: Beyond the core rites of Umrah, Mecca offers several historical and religious sites, including the Hira Cave, where the first revelation of the Quran was received, and the Mina valley, significant for the ritual of the Stoning of the Devil during Hajj.



Transformational Experiences:

The spiritual atmosphere in Mecca, coupled with the grandeur of the Holy Kaaba and the historical sites, leaves an everlasting impact on the pilgrims, transforming their faith and instilling a deeper sense of devotion and gratitude.

Umrah Limo VIP Transportation provides the best Car Service for Umrah in Saudi Arabia with the best and professional licensed drivers and at very low prices.



Madina: The City of the Prophet


A Sanctuary of Peace: Madina, known as the ‘City of the Prophet’, is the final resting place of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The city exudes an aura of tranquility and peace, with the Prophet’s Mosque, Masjid an-Nabawi, standing as the centerpiece, attracting millions of visitors annually.



Ziyarat: Visiting Historical Sites: Pilgrims often engage in Ziyarat – visiting the various historical sites in Madina, including the Quba Mosque, the first mosque in Islam, and Uhud Mountain, the site of the Battle of Uhud. These visits allow pilgrims to reflect on the history of Islam and the life of the Prophet (PBUH).




Renewed Faith and Commitment: The serene environment of Madina and the proximity to the Prophet’s Mosque foster a sense of closeness to the Prophet (PBUH) and a renewed commitment to living according to his teachings.




The journey through Umrah, Mecca, and Madina is a spiritual odyssey that transforms the hearts and souls of the believers. The rituals, historical sites, and the unique spiritual ambiance of each city provide pilgrims with a deeper understanding of their faith, a stronger connection with Allah, and a renewed commitment to embodying the teachings of Islam in their lives.

Nusuk Hajj 2024 announced.

image_pdfimage_print Hajj is a new platform of Hajj & Umrah, recently launched by the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Hajj. It is to facilitate United states, Canada and European Hajj travel seekers to book their hajj package online themselves.  With the  latest updates in 2024, now it’s much easier to book Hajj or Umrah Package online. Nusuk provides multiple packages with all budgets. Hajj is  the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca that is compulsory for all Muslims who are physically and financially able to undertake the journey. Labaik Tours, LLC. is a US-based travel agency that specializes in organizing Hajj and Umrah trips for Muslims residing in the United states. Labaik Tours, LLC has been awarded for 2024 Hajj to be the representative of Nusuk under the supervision of Saudi company MCDC who is one of the organizers for Hajj & Umrah.  Along with MCDC, Labaik Tours, LLC is dedicated to providing a comprehensive and spiritually uplifting experience for pilgrims as they embark on their journey to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. That includes a service to book Hajj 2024 Packages via Nusuk platform online. 

Labaik Tours, LLC emphasizes the importance of performing Hajj with sincerity, humility, and devotion. The company aims to facilitate a seamless pilgrimage experience for its clients by taking care of the logistical aspects of travel, accommodation, and religious rituals, allowing pilgrims to focus on the spiritual significance of their journey.

As the company prepares for the upcoming Hajj season in 2024, Labaik Tours, LLC is dedicated to ensuring that all aspects of the pilgrimage are meticulously planned and organized. From securing permits and visas to arranging accommodation and transportation, Labaik Tours, LLC aims to provide a hassle-free experience for pilgrims, allowing them to concentrate on the spiritual rites and rituals of Hajj.

In addition to the logistical support, Labaik Tours, LLC. also places a strong emphasis on providing spiritual guidance and support to pilgrims throughout their journey. The company’s team of experienced scholars and guides offer educational programs and spiritual talks to help pilgrims deepen their understanding of the significance of Hajj and to make the most of their once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Labaik Tours, LLC. based in  is committed to upholding the highest standards of service, ensuring the comfort, safety, and spiritual fulfillment of every pilgrim under their care. The company’s goal is to create an environment where pilgrims can focus on their worship and reflection, while all their practical needs are taken care of with meticulous attention to detail.

For individuals or groups considering booking their Hajj journey with Labaik Tours, LLC. in 2024, it is important to research the company’s offerings, including the specific details of the pilgrimage package, the accommodations provided, the services offered, and the overall reputation and track record of the tour operator.

Potential pilgrims should also inquire about the spiritual guidance and educational programs offered by the company, as well as the credentials and experience of the scholars and guides who will accompany them on the journey.

Ultimately, choosing the right tour operator for the Hajj journey is a deeply personal decision, and individuals should carefully consider their own priorities, preferences, and spiritual needs in selecting a company that aligns with their values and expectations for the pilgrimage.

Labaik Tours, LLC. understands the profound significance of the Hajj pilgrimage and is dedicated to serving the spiritual and practical needs of pilgrims with professionalism, compassion, and a deep understanding of the sacred nature of the journey. The company’s commitment to excellence and the spiritual well-being of its clients sets it apart as a reputable and trusted tour operator for the Hajj pilgrimage.


For individuals who are preparing for the Hajj pilgrimage in 2024, Labaik Tours, LLC. offers a comprehensive and well-organized experience that seeks to provide pilgrims with the support, guidance, and care they need to undertake this deeply meaningful journey with peace of mind and spiritual fulfillment. To be in touch with Labaik Tours, LLC. visit Alternatively, you can do a live chat on



How to book Hajj 2024 | Learn about Nusuk Hajj 2024 | Muslim Pilgrimage


What is the Hajj | Learn Nusuk Hajj | Pilgrimage

Millions of Muslims from all around the world gather at Makkah to perform the Hajj pilgrimage every year. During one of the holiest months in Islam, Muslims from all walks of life come together. They shed their worldly adornments and enter into the state of ihram. The Hajj pilgrimage is among the five basic pillars of Islam.
Performing the holy pilgrimage is obligatory for every Muslim who can financially and physically do so. Since the Hajj can be performed only during specific dates in Dhul Hijja, the pilgrimage witnesses millions of pilgrims. For instance, around 2.3 million Muslims performed Hajj in 2009, which rose to over 3.1 million in 2012.
The growing trend has been encouraged due to better travel opportunities and steps taken by the Saudi government to expand the capacity of pilgrims it can host. Except for 2020 and 2021, when COVID-19 restrictions were in place, an increasing number of Muslims perform the Hajj every year. It is important to understand Hajj and the deep meaning behind the pilgrimage to know its significance in Islam.
Hajj- What is the Pilgrimage All About?
Hajj, not to be confused with Umrah, is a major pilgrimage that Muslims must perform at least once. It is compulsory for any Muslim with the means and capability to undertake the journey and perform the different acts of worship that make up the Hajj.
While Hajj can only be performed between the 8th and 13th Dhul Hijja, no restriction is imposed on the performing of Umrah. Manasik Umrah is different from Hajj, and it is better to study these to make a good comparison.
Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) commands believers to perform the Hajj pilgrimage in the following verses of the Holy Quran:
“And complete the hajj and umrah for Allah. But if you are prevented, then [offer] what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals…”(2:196)
The pilgrimage resolves around the idea of sacrifice and what we are willing to give up for the sake of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)’s pleasure. The Hajj is the ultimate sacrifice as it requires believers to leave their homes, belongings, and all their worldly obligations behind and devote a few days purely to remember Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) and follow His commands.
The pilgrimage also symbolizes the sacrifices made by Hazrat Hajra (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهَا), Hazrat Ibrahim عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ and Hazrat Ismail عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ at the command of their Lord (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى). It is the willingness to submit and surrender to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) that is at the heart of the pilgrimage.
Hajj in Practice
The Hajj is incomplete without specific acts that pilgrims must perform. In its simplest form, Hajj is a journey consisting of rituals and prayers. Pilgrims begin their Hajj by arriving in Makkah and donning the ihram to perform the Hajj.
Muslims must adhere to certain restrictions in the state of ihram. These include actions like having sexual relations, cutting their hair or nails, combing their hair, and even putting on perfume.
Hajj pilgrims complete the seven anticlockwise circumambulations of the Holy Kaaba, performing the Tawaf. The next step is to go seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwah, and this ritual is known as Sai.
8th Dhul Hijjah marks the first day of the pilgrimage, and pilgrims leave for Mina after offering Fajr prayers. Upon reaching Mina, they pray the Dhur and Asr prayers together and the Maghrib and Isha prayers together—they spend the entire day and night at Mina.
The next stop is Arafat. Pilgrims leave Mina after the morning prayer on the 9th Dhul Hijjah to reach Arafat in time for the congregation prayer. Pilgrims gather at Arafat and offer prayers. It is said that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) will gather the entire human race at the Plain of Arafat on the Day of Judgement. This is why pilgrims must humble themselves and seek for Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)’s forgiveness while at Arafat.
Dhur and Asr prayers are offered together at Arafat, but pilgrims leave for Muzdalifah right after sunset to pray Maghrib and Isha combined once they reach Muzdalifah. Aside from offering prayers, pilgrims gather stones at Muzdalifah to perform the ritual stoning of the devil in the morning.
On the morning of the 10th Dhul Hijjah, pilgrims travel from Muzdalifah to Mina to perform Rami al-Jamarat. Each pilgrim throws seven stones at the Jamarat al-Aqabah. The ritual can be completed at any time between sunrise and sunset. the ritual stoning of the devil marks the final ritual of the Hajj, after which animal sacrifice is made, and pilgrims cut their hair or shave; this practice is called the Halak.
Tawaf-e-Ziyarat is performed at the Kaaba. The next day, pilgrims continue to stone the devil, and some may even do so on the 12th of Dhul Hijjah. Pilgrims return to Makkah to perform the Tawaf al-Wadaa. The farewell tawaf concludes the Hajj, after which many pilgrims go to Madinah to visit the Masijid-e-Nabvi.
Nusuk Hajj-Making Performing the Hajj Convenient
The Hajj is a financially and physically taxing worship. The rituals of Hajj require pilgrims to travel between various places, all while worshiping continuously. It is laborious and exhausting. This is why the Hajj and Umrah Ministry of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has introduced the Nusuk Hajj. The service provides a one-window operation platform for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims.
Pilgrims can conveniently make bookings for plane tickets, hotels, taxis, and any other service they may need on the Nusuk Hajj platform. Applicants can submit documents online and apply for either Hajj or Umrah from the comfort of their homes. Nusuk Hajj is available in mobile application and website versions, so users can always remain updated on the status of their applications.
Users can select from various packages and even browse through different offers and deals that service providers offer. For instance, Labaik Tours LLCoffers a Hajj package under the supervision of Nusuk Hajj, a Saudi government organization. This means the chances of getting scammed or misled are zero.
Being misled and offered a poor service should be the least of your worries as a traveler, much less a pilgrim. Nusuk Hajj also connects you to various services that make your Hajj or Umrah a wonderful experience. There are some excellent services available, such as Umrahlimo.
So, what is Umrahlimo? Umrahlimo is the most reliable taxi service that you can order to aid you in your Hajj or Umrah travels. You can order any car, ranging from a luxury Sedan to a Hiroof. Each car is in top-quality shape and has a driver to help you navigate your way. it is a service you must avail to ensure your pilgrimage is comfortable. It is necessary to employ such services for anyone who can afford them so you can offer all the rituals without getting physically or mentally stressed. This way, you can focus on worshipping.
The Fifth Pillar
The Hajj is the fifth and final pillar of Islam, for those who can, performing Hajj at least once in their lifetime is obligatory. It is truly a unique experience, as pilgrims are unified and made equal during the Hajj. Dig deep to learn about the critical thinking of Islam.
People from all walks of life and from all around the world gather as one to glorify Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى). It reminds us of our insignificance as we become part of the sea of humans dressed identically, all rushing from one place to another seeking Allah’s (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) favor and forgiveness.
It is necessary that we strive to complete our obligations towards our Lord (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) and fulfil our duties towards Him (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى). Hajj is a critical piece of the building that completes our faith.