
General guideline about hajj and Umrah 2019


We have described following guideline for hajj and umrah 2019.

Lower gaze :

It means for a woman to lower their gaze. Being a Muslim, you must avoid things where men and women gather together (especially in Makkah).

Safeguard your Self-Respect:

Every woman (barring women above 45 years) is obliged to travel with Haj and Umrah for a mehram (he can not marry). Therefore it is the duty of men to keep them safe.

Avoid Mingling with Non-Mehrams:

It is prohibited (in all circumstances) to make a relationship with non-Mehroms who are living in the same hotel or in the same group that you like. Tourism leaders and representatives should avoid being friendly with women in the group.

Pre – Hajj or Umrah Preparationn:

Another important general guideline for Hajj / Umrah is to find relevant and essential ‘ilm’ (knowledge) from reliable sources, which are coming out of the accumulation point for Haj or Umrah. This will help you to be free and confident with Hajj / Umrah.

Greet the people around:

Greet your fellow pilgrims that are belonging to the same gender. Every pilgrim is tie to be a Muslim so rise Salam wherever you go.

Help the Elderly:

A general guideline to do Hajj or Umrah is to respect the elders. Whenever possible, be sure to help them so that they complete their Hajj / Umra successfully.

Keep away from (Avoid) musical ringtones on your phone during pilgrimage

Put a simple generic ringtone on your phone, instead of any song or melodic tune. Avoid using your cell phone as much as possible, especially during tawaf. The use of the phone during the holy yatra is an indication of disrespect.

Avoid Taking Pictures:

Hajj and Umrah are performed only for Allah and he does not need any proof.

Be Patient:

Hajj and Umrah can be the true test of patience. On the journey, you will face all kinds of people. Whenever they come in any heterogeneous situation, they should remain calm and not lose their temper.

Be Friendly:

Do not hesitate to interact with your fellow pilgrims. Do not be ashamed to start a conversation. If no one can do any of these, they should pass at least the smile.

Avoid Smoking:

Another common guideline for hajj / Umrah is that anyone should avoid smoking. If they can not, then they should keep it confined to their hotel rooms only.

Don’t Panic:

Taxi in Saudi Arabia can not be in ideal condition. Do not worry if the windscreen is cracked or the side mirror is missing. All you need to do is make sure that you have your seat belt tied.

Facts of makkah or madina

Mecca is Holy city in Islamic Word for Muslims which is located in Saudi Arabia. It is the Birthplace of Prophet Muhammad who is the messenger of God. Mecca is located about 45 miles east of the Red Sea port of Jedda in the Rocky foothills of the Hijaz Mountains. In mecca only Muslims are allowed.

Born in a good family, Muhammad married a woman named Khadija and became the manager of his caravans. Angel Gabriel instructed him about the oneness of Allah when he was meditating in a cave on Mount Hira.

  • Medina is home to the three oldest mosques in which the Quba mosque, al-Masjid-Nabavi and Masjid al-Qibalan.
  • The first mosque built in Muhammad’s time was the Quba mosque, which was destroyed by the lightning around 850 CE.
    kabbaha Majid
  • Earlier the advent of Islam, the city was known as Yathrib and was changed Medina in honor of Muhammad’s prophethood and death there.
  • During World War I, Medina saw the longest siege in history.
  • Medina is located in the most fertile part of all the Hejaz territory.
  • By 1920, 139 varieties of dates were being grown in the sector

Hajj e Badal


Hajj e Badal is referred to the Hajj do on behalf of someone else who is physically unfit or is no more on an earth. Person who is going to perform the Hajj on someone behalf is known as Mahmoor and on whose behalf on he is doing Hajj is known as Aamir. Mahmoor and Amir are required to fulfil by certain rules and principles. conditions are mention below.

Conditions for Aamir:

  • Hajj should be obligatory upon the disable individual as per the Shari’ah standards. If it is not then there is no need for sending someone else for Hajj e Badal.
  • The crippled individual should be unfit to perform holy Hajj himself. If any inability is temporary, in case, it should wait for it to fit and if he has already performed a Hajj e Badal on his name, then he should go to Hajj.
  • Hajj e Badal will not be valid if a person is not present in a disability, then he/she sends someone to Hajj perform on their behalf.
  • It is required that the disable or impaired individual him/ herself should ask somebody to perform Hajj e Badal for him or her.
  • Aamir (the disabled person/ family of the departed person) is required to bear all the sort of expenses related to Hajj e Badal.

Conditions for Mahmoor:

  • It is required for the person who is to perform Hajj for someone else behalf to be a Muslim.
  • The chosen person (Mahmoure) must be mentally fit and composed and levelheaded.
  • It is necessary for Niyah (intended for Hajj) from the person who had sent him for Hajj-e-Badal, wearing worships.
  • Hajj-e-Badal has to be made by the selected person only till he has not received any special permission from the authorities to obtain it. In such a case, it is acceptable to send someone else on behalf of him.
  • The person appointed is required to perform Hajj like that, for which he has been requested, like Haj Tamatu or Kiran (Tamatu is like Hajj, where Omar and Haj are performed during different Haj months, and Qiran Combination or alternative performance is Umrah and Hajj).
  • Mahmoor is not allowed to do Hajj on behalf of himself or two people at the same time. For Mahmoor, it is compulsory for a person to send a blessing to him who sent him for Hajj e Badal.
  • Mahmoor should not remember any imperative (Farz) part of Hajj because there is no compensation for it.